Our Design Production System is modular, and can be deployed either as a complete package or in parts to strengthen existing systems. Watch our presentation or click on the icons below to find out more.

Collaborative Planning
Defining the programme of work with the people carrying out the work, thereby improving ownership and accuracy of the resulting plan.
• Aligns Design and Construction plans at milestone level
• Establishes / reinforces working relationships between teams
• Defines common objectives for the team
• Physical plans are used to either create or update P6 schedules

Control Room
Organise critical project information and performance data in a central space - physical or virtual.
• Performance Metrics from Production Control System are used by the IPT to view real-time performance and determine mitigation measures.
• Metrics can be tailored to appropriate level of detail depending on where the control room sits within the meeting and reporting structure.
• Direction & Support flow from Control Room in response to data inputs

Continuous Improvement For Design
Use the performance data generated from the rest of the system to implement performance improvement measures.
Production Control
Frequent measurement of progress and review of forward plans over short timescales.
• Operating at the level of a discrete team or asset
• Supports Hub and Spoke arrangement and Matrix structure found on majority of design projects.
• Provides teams with clear objectives for the next period (typically 7d).
• Provides Team Leads / PMs / Discipline leads with performance and resource data across a specific range.
• Data flows from Production Control process to Control Room

Design Process Mapping
Define the steps and sequence for the design, documentation and approvals process with all contributing stakeholders.
• Makes visible the complex interaction within and between disciplines.
• Identifies critical input / output points
• Is a critical step towards daily / weekly task planning and production control

Data Driven Decision Making
Relevant and timely performance data that allows the delivery teams to manage their activities, and project management and the leadership team to support and make positive interventions.

Organisational Design
Designing the production system – this ensures that resources are organised, deployed effectively, supported with effective systems, roles and responsibilities are clear, bottlenecks are avoided, decision making is swift and that cross functional teams are able to operate effectively as a team.
Project Culture
Creating a positive environment to generate value from and for every member of the team.
• Deal with the meeting structure – short and targeted. On-line meetings with masses of attendees are a drain on your most precious resource.
• Implement a genuine system of escalation and resolution.
• Support your people by freeing up time to do value adding work.
• Engage senior people in front-end activities.This ensures that products do not fail at assurance stages and eliminates costly rework cycles.
• Reduce the amount of Work In Progress. Use dedicated teams and clear ownership of each asset or package of work.
• Create a culture of responsibility throughout the structure.