Lean Programming – collaboration beats competition
Rubicon Wigzell is supporting Network Rail’s Control Period 5 (CP5) programme which will see thousands of projects delivered over the next 5 years at a cost of some £4 billion. Our role is to help develop and support an integrated network involving multiple internal departments and external suppliers which will support the delivery of CP5 projects. The aim is to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption to rail users.
RW director Andrew Moore has been working on the project since early 2014:
“It’s very exciting and very interesting to be involved in developing processes for collaboration at a whole system level on such a large scale project. Everyone involved in the CP5 programme is aware of both the urgency of the work and the scarcity of resource in the industry – the creation of an integrated network presents a huge opportunity to unite teams to look at the CP5 commitments as a whole, resulting in greater resource efficiency and fewer track closures.”
The integrated network will benefit large numbers of people across the organisation, allowing them to see the whole picture more clearly and understand the peripheral work that sits around their own project. The aim is to eliminate isolation and the perceived need to compete for resources while presenting opportunities for collaboration to minimise duplication and other waste.