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Supporting collaboration in Highways Area 2

Rubicon Wigzell supported Skanska in the Lean delivery of its Area 2 contract for the UK Highways Agency (HA). RW director Charlie Wigzell has worked with Skanska over recent months on the creation of a formal Lean strategy in collaboration with the HA:

“We’ve worked with Skanska for a number of years to support the development Lean across their business and, at the same time, we’re a framework supplier of Lean support to the Highways Agency. It’s now a contractual obligation for HA suppliers to adopt a Lean approach and we’re supporting Skanska and the Agency at a local level to turn that obligation into a working reality on the Area 2 programme. Together we’re developing collaborative programme planning systems within Area 2 which, with effective value stream mapping of scheme delivery, will allow improvements to key areas to reduce waste, increase flow and deliver better projects.

Using the principles of BS11000 as a routemap for the collaboration, this is a really positive example of both parties working more closely together to take waste out of the process. We’re anticipating significant improvements as Skanska’s Lean strategy is deployed and as we continue to support the development of collaborative programme planning systems within Area 2.”