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As part of our Lean programme at  Deephams with contractor Aecom Murphy Kier (AMK), we were asked  to support them in transferring 224 Single Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) cages between streams, installing double stacks into the  new Activated Sludge Plants (ASPs). With existing plant and process, the transfer was estimated to take 56 days and AMK were keen to explore a Lean approach to significantly reduce this.

In collaboration with AMK and IFAS cage developers Hydrok, RW mapped out all elements of the transfer process, identifying the staff, plant and other resources required to improve the workflow.

A separate assembly area was established and additional plant requisitioned. This included a second remote arm for cage extraction and a 90ft crane to build the stacks, maintaining a continuous supply to the install crane. All site staff were engaged and involved as plans moved through for implementation, ensuring clarity around roles and responsibilities.

Initial ambitions were to transfer a potential 18 stacks a day. However, observations of activity on day one and further, collaborative discussion led to additional fine tuning of the sequence, lifting our potential daily target to 22 stacks.

With a highly motivated team, even that ambition was exceeded. From start to finish the transfer and installation process took just nine days, delivering savings of over £200,000 and securing the overall programme. The AMK team are now looking for further opportunities to apply the same Lean approach across all work flows.

80% time saving

A highly motivated team

Cost savings of over £200,000

Project ambition was exceeded

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